Sunday, January 9, 2011

Too wet to go out; And too cold to play ball...

While it continues to be ark-building weather at the moment, the virtual world beckons.  So, too, does the cinematic world.  We did the 'family' thing yesterday and took in Disney's new flick, Tangled, a retelling of the Rapunzel story.  It was more than bearable and I will admit to welling up during a couple of scenes - once due to the emotion and once due to the sheer visual spectacle.  As an added bonus, the requisite 'companion' to each of the main characters are not annoying and do not even speak.  I have to admit that I'm still scarred by Ariel's Flounder (even though we've only read a tie-in picture book and not even seen the film!) and Jar-Jar Binks from the Star Wars fiasco..... 

If you have young children, it's worth a try.

Either that or consider building an ark...


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