Sunday, July 3, 2011

Welcome Back, Kotter.

Yes, yes, yes, so you KEEP saying.  I know I haven't blogged in a while.  A few months.  Okay, okay, it's been FIVE months.  Well, I'm back!
There's been some ups and downs...fortunately, more ups than downs (but the downs were pretty dark!).  Thankfully, life has reverted to (almost) normal.  After a lovely holiday at the Sunshine Coast, I'm getting back some of my mojo.  So I'll hopefully be blogging more regularly.
Two of my favourite blogs recently did posts about why people choose to blog.  (I must admit that it was these blogs that prompted me into returning to the blogging world.  That, and the fact that I'm feeling less stressed and more mojo-ed!) I was fascinated to read some of the responses.  Creativity, personal expression and cathartic healing seemed to be common themes.   I expect that the second reason is the compulsion for my blog.  I love reading blogs that use the other two reasons for inspiration and it's easy to become addicted to so many blogs.  Not starting a blog for so long was easy to do as I worried that I wouldn't know what to write or that I wouldn't get any followers.  Well, I still struggle with the first problem!  I still haven't decided on how personal to get with this blog and how much to divulge on it or even what direction it will take...but I'm going to allow it to be very organic.  Let's see where the information superhighway takes me!  As for followers, who cares?  If no one reads, I'll still write.  It's fun! 
Thankfully, too, the city of Brisbane seems to be getting back to some sort of fun, and even normality, after the trauma of the floods.  While areas outside Brisbane still have a loooooong way to go, the city is slowly rebooting and is online once more, albeit in a slightly restricted way.  There are still scars, still some healing to do (and I'm fully aware that this may never completely be achieved), but evidence is strong that things are picking up.
I can't say the same for the Sunshine Coast.  I've had many, many holidays there during my life (in all four seasons) and I've never seen the place so deserted.  Winter? - maybe.  GFC? - probably.  A combination of both? - most likely.  I really do hope and wish that things pick up very soon.  Still, it made for a peaceful holiday for me and my family.  Any break from the routine of everyday life and the challenges of the salt mines is pleasant, so I was happy.
And my daughter caught a fish, so the holiday proved to be very exciting.
Still, it's nice to be home and in the blogging world.

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